Seberapa pentingnya TOEFL buat akutansi?
TOEFL stands for Test of English as a Foreign Language. TOEFL is the
Test of English with an American accent a person required to register go
to college abroad. English language test that was created and developed
by ETS (Educational Testing Service) in New Jersey, USA since 1963.
This test is used to measure proficiency (proficiency) English speaking
person in the academic context. How to master the TOEFL in a short time?
Actually, there is rarely anyone who can master the material in a short
time as difficult TOEFL. In addition to practicing familiarize
themselves with the matter, because under the guidance of a qualified
instructor, the testee must also be diligent in reading, listening and
interacting in English. The key to successful learning TOEFL is not just
solely in the classroom under the guidance of an instructor, but also
when outside the classroom to learn independently through reading,
writing and speaking earlier. TOEFL Test issued by the ETS, there are 3
(three) form. PBT (Paper Based Test) TOEFL, CBT (Computer Based Test)
TOEFL, iBT (Internet Based Test) TOEFL. The difference of the three
forms of the TOEFL Test is: PBT (Paper Based Test) TOEFL is the TOEFL
Test form which was first issued by the ETS. System test on TOEFL
PBT-use paper or sheets of paper and answer sheet about to be filled
with 2B pencil. The materials tested are Listening, Structure, Reading.
Score range of 310-677 with a test time is 2 to 2.5 hours. CBT (Computer
Based Test) TOEFL is a second form of the TOEFL test, TOEFL PBT
replaces. CBT-TOEFL test systems no longer use paper, but directly with
the computer. All about using the softwere and every question is
answered immediately / work at the computer. CBT was first issued in
1998. But in some countries in Asia, especially Indonesia are still
allowed to use the PBT (ITP-TOEFL) as the standard International.
TOEFL Test. So that the prestige of CBT in Indonesia is very minimal.
Even today there are still many Indonesian people who do not know what
that CBT-TOEFL. The materials tested are Listening, Structur, Reading,
Writing. Score range 0-300 with a test time is 2 to 2.5 hours. iBT
(internet Based Test) TOEFL or also known as the Next Generation (NG) is
a form of TOEFL Test TOEFL latest issued ETS. TOEFL iBT-introduced
since 2005, but in the new Indonesia enacted in 2006 as the
International TOEFL Test standards are recognized in the world. ETS made
many changes to the TOEFL Test format and this new system. iBT-TOEFL
also use computer media, it's just on the iBT test system using the
internet so that the participants test the direct on-line with the ETS
and answer the test questions as well as on-line. The materials tested
were: Listening Speaking Reading Writing. Score range of 0-120 with the
iBT is a test for 4 hours. After attending the TOEFL test, participants
will get a TOEFL score.The use of TOEFL scores are: Up in High School
(SMA), Up in Higher Education at home and abroad, Scholarships, Apply
for a job in the company private or State, within or outside the
country, increase in job or promotion. TOEFL has two general objectives
are: Academic and General. In similar fashion, the certification
recommendation for the TOEFL can use both. Academic test is used for
educational purposes, research or academic-related activities abroad, or
in Indonesia. To graduate, usually a minimum value is 550. whereas for
S1 is 500 General is generally used for the purpose of employment,
promotion or job assignment. Many companies that install standard
English TOEFL employees to see the value of - his. Generally, a minimum
TOEFL score is 500 for standard promotions. As far as I've encountered,
the range of average TOEFL scores - average people of Indonesia with a
minimum education level S1 is very volatile. There are even some who do
not know what and for what it is TOEFL (they read: "tufl"). Not so with
the decision in college majoring in english. At least they know what it
is TOEFL. However, the TOEFL score a student or graduate English majors
does not guarantee high. At some times the case recruiment, I found some
applicants get the TOEFL score of 300, whereas in the proposal, which
concerned the alumni of the ABA (Foreign Language Academy). While in
general, fluctuations in the average TOEFL - prestudy ranges from 300 to
Generally, people understand that language is English speaking,
conversation, cas cis cus and so on. English cover four main skills:
Listening (digestion words through hearing), Writing (digestion words
through writing and grammar), reading (a text language meaning
digestion) and Speaking (able to pronounce it). Speaking about the
acquisition of language, it can not be separated from the mastery of
skill last four, perfectly. However, many of them think, what matters is
the ability to speak it, even though the grammar of tolerance and
selection of the crude and the origin of the word see. For example:
John: Would you drive me to the hospital? Us: Better go now. Discussion
of meaning, words have meaning. But we also know, the quality of one's
mind from the way he speaks, especially the use of diksinya (choice of
So my opinion on toefl. if there is one word please forgive. thank you